Disover all sections to
structure your event!
Qeerio has many different way to structure all your event information in a clear way
A section to store your event\' s contact list with shortcuts to quickly call, message or whatsapp
Example usage
Find the person in charge for something
Quick share contact
A section to store your event\' s location with shortcuts to quickly get direction with your favorite GPS app
Example usage
Get adresses
Get directions
Quick share address
Google maps
A timeline regrouping all keys moments of your event
Example usage
Get event planning
Set reminder notifications
Todo list
A section to list all important tasks that need to be done on your event!
Example usage
List tasks
Notify task assignee
Prioritize tasks
Discuss and share important new information about the event. No switching to a messaging app and add all event actors to a group chat
Example usage
Share new informations
Share pictures
Avoid using external chat app
Simple list
A flexible section allowing to store anykind of information as a list of items.
Example usage
List of materials
Pre-event todo list
Shuttle list
Hotel list
And many more...
Simple documents
A section giving quick access to a document(pdf or image) containing key information about your event
Example usage
Seating plan
Main menu
Any information on pdf
List of documents
A flexible section allowing you to store multiple documents(pdf or images) structured as a list.
Example usage
Blueprints event build up
Table plans
Travel documents
Call sheets
Any information on pdf
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